Tuesday, 19 May 2009

My approach to designing the dictionary was experimenting with typography. Aesthetically it was successful however after the presentation I was criticized that the aesthetics was distracting the views from the concept of the dictionary. I agree with the criticism and will make the necessary changes to clarify the concept.

Dictionary Project

I designed a dictionary on the ego;" the “I” or self of any person; a person as thinking, feeling, and willing, and distinguishing itself from the selves of others and from objects of its thought."

I acknowledged the psychoanalysis approach to the ego giving me understanding of how the ego works in the human conscious, unconscious and subconscious. The ego is most dominant within the unconscious. I constructed a map revealing characteristics of human nature that derives from the ego. This map also demonstrates the ego's potential threat to the human consciousness. After getting feedback I realize that this map is not complete. I plan to re-design the map in greater details. I will generate a map demonstrating the path to destruction originating from the ego and the path to enlightenment originating from the ego.

I plan to do more work with the Unknown land project. I feel that the concept is not articulated as well as it could be.


Within the 4d

entering the 4d

Saturday, 21 March 2009

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Construction of the quasicrystal

I have created a diagram which shows how I am going to construct the quasicrystal. The design should demonstrate an illusion of what the 4th Dimension may look like from our 3rd dimension perception.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

I have physically constructed a "4 dimensional" geometric shape out numerous pentagons. My next ambition is to make this design functional and relevant to my city/country.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Unknown Land

Unknown Land

A country/world which exist in the 4th dimension. I am constructing a world which demonstrates the nature 4th dimension using geometry; 4-dimensional polytopes and others.

The 4th Dimension: "In the spatial sense, the fourth dimension is a space with literally 4 spatial dimensions, or four mutually orthogonal directions of movement. This space, known as 4-dimensional Euclidean space, is the space used by mathematicians when studying geometric objects such as 4-dimensional polytopes. It is not to be confused with the Minkowskian notion of time being the fourth dimension"


Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Body language

I designed a human body consisting of facial expressions contained within the body; these expressions are visual reflections of how the body language. Its hard to consciously identify our body language but our facial expressions are very identifiable. So I mixed them together making the body language distinguishable using facial expressions. This is just an idea which came to mind.

I would love to hear any feedback. Cheers. This design is just a prototype. I plan to take it to the next level.

Aye. Mi nom is Phillip Sandeman. i aye un studentenaye at Camberwell college of art. 1st year. graphic design. I hope to share and discuss wisdom with yall.